Marine science

SRAP is committed in boosting the career perspectives of Early-Career Spanish researchers in the Australia-Pacific region. To achieve this goal, the SRAP-frA Early-Career Researcher Award aims to recognize extraordinary research trajectories of Early-Career SRAP members. The SRAP-frA Early researcher career grant is organized by SRAP, and it is sponsored by […]

Dr. Isabel Nuñez Lendo: Winner of the 3rd SRAP-frA Early-Career ...

Did you know that after the amphibians, chondrichthyans (sharks, rays, and chimaeras) are the most threatened vertebrate Class? In fact, recent assessments state that 1 in 3 shark species are threatened with extinction (IUNC Red List). Although many shark populations are threatened and declining, sharks are mostly perceived as predators […]

Dr Mariel Familiar showcased in National Geographic Shark Fest

SRAP has collaborated in the interactive event “The enigmatic world of Sharks, Whales and Jellyfish“, that was held at Currumbin RSL, Gold Coast (Queensland) on Sunday 20th August 2023. In fact, our SRAP member and coordinator of the SRAP Queensland node and social media, Dr Mariel Familiar López (Griffith University) […]

SRAP collaborates in “The enigmatic world of Sharks, Whales and ...

Within SRAP, several members are engaged in collaborative projects focused on aquatic environments. Their latest endeavour involves the utilization of unmanned underwater vehicles to assist estuary officers in locating seagrass beds. Ana Rubio works as the Hawkesbury estuary officer, striving to map areas where seagrasses have established themselves over the […]

SRAP Collaboration Reveals Seagrass Locations in the Hawkesbury

Today, on June 13, 2023, in the Spanish scientific radio program “Investigadores por el Mundo (Researchers around the World)”, episode 207, hosted and directed by Antonio G. Armas, our member Carmela Isabel Núñez Lendo has been interviewed. The interview is entitled “Coral Reef Restoration, Digital Citizenship in a Transforming World” […]

“Researchers around the World” interviews SRAP member Carmela Isabel Núñez ...

(Post only available in Spanish) En el programa de radio científico “Investigadores por el Mundo“, número 165, presentado y dirigido por Antonio G. Armas, que se emitió en Radio Libertad FM , el sábado 18 de junio de 2022, se entrevistó a Cristina Ruano Chamorro, estudiante de doctorado y socia […]

Interview to SRAP member Cristina Ruano in “Investigadores por el ...

(Post only available in Spanish) Por Dra Paula Llull y Dra Raquel Pardo de Santayana SRAP tiene una aliada de excepción en la tarea de difundir el trabajo de los investigadores y científicos españoles: ALCE Australia, Agrupación de Lengua y Cultura Españolas, es un programa del Ministerio de Educación y […]

Australia ALCE students interview SRAP members

Post only available in Spanish Nuestra socia, Prof. Ana Vila-Concejo (Universidad de Sídney), ha sido entrevistada hoy en radio SBS en español sobre ¿Qué está provocando las inundaciones en la costa este de Australia? Puedes encontrar el artículo entero y la entrevista (ambas en español) en esta página de radio […]

Interview to Prof Ana Vila-Concejo in SBS about floods in ...

On Friday, November 12, 2021, the Cervantes Institute of Tokyo, together with the Embassy of Spain and the Association of Spanish Scientists in Japan (ACE Japan) and the sponsorship of Iberdrola, organized a hybrid conference to celebrate the Commemoration of the 5th Centenary of the expedition of the first round […]

Oceans, 500 years after Magellan and Elcano

SRAP, in collaboration with the Marine Studies Institute and the Sydney Environment Institute organised on 20 October 2021 a multidisciplinary event to learn everything about oysters. 88 online participants had the opportunity to learn and discuss the vital role of oysters within Australia’s marine biodiversity and culinary culture. A panel […]

A world of oysters: protecting their future

A virtual conference was organised on the 14th of October by the Instituto Cervantes Sydney and Iberdrola with researchers from the European Sea University/University of Cádiz and the University of Technology of Sydney/ SRAP (Spanish Researchers in Australia-Pacific). The conference focused on how oceans are changing, and which research is […]

Research and Conservation of Oceans: Oceans 500 years after

Our member, Associate Professor Adriana Verges (UNSW), is a finalist for the prestigious Eureka Prizes 2021 in the category “Celestino Eureka Prize for Promoting Understanding of Science“. Adriana says: As an ecologist, I feel that science communication and engaging with the general public has never been more important. Although our […]

Adriana Verges finalist for the Eureka Prizes 2021

On Tuesday 17th August 2021, SRAP-IEAP organised the first event part of National Science Week 2021 in collaboration with the Instituto Cervantes de Sídney to discuss the global issues of ‘Plastics in the Ocean’. As part of this event, that was hosted by SRAP-IEAP Dr. Ana Rubio, we had presentations by two […]

Online event: Plastics in the Ocean

Australia’s National Science Week is starting soon. In collaboration with the Instituto Cervantes de Sídney we have prepared three online #scicomm events for August 17, 18 and 19. All these events are completely free but registration is required.   Tuesday 17th August, 6pm AEST   Plastics in the Oceans Host: Ana Rubio […]

Online #scicomm events for National Science Week

The Queen Charlotte Sound-Tōtaranui case study Plastics can enter the sea in many ways, including through sewage and wastewater systems, riverine inputs, aquaculture and fishing activities. Large plastic debris can break down into small pieces, micro-sized particles (< 5mm), which are not readily visible to the naked eye. Once in […]

Microplastics contamination in Aotearoa/New Zealand marine environments

Article written by Marta Ribó.   The first SRAP-IEAP “Research Bites” event in New Zealand was held in the University of Auckland on Thursday 26th May. Four SRAP-IEAP members gave talks about their research work in New Zealand.   Mónica Gañán Mónica Gañán presented her professional trajectory: She completed her PhD in […]

First “Research Bites” in New Zealand

Our member, Ana Vila-Concejo (University of Sydney), has been interviewed today in the radio program “Punto de Enlace”, in the Public Spanish Radio “Radio Nacional de España”, about her current research. The interview was in Spanish.

Interview to Ana Vila-Concejo in RNE

Science & Art came together in a Snorkeling event followed by a guided tour of an art exhibition in collaboration with the Seaweed Forest Festival 2021. SRAP-IEAP, the Spanish marine ecologist, Associate Professor Adriana Vergés, and her Operation Crayweed team shared the success of their restoration project with the attendees […]

Snorkeling event and guided art tour during Seaweed Forest Festival ...

SRAP-IEAP and ALCE contributed their efforts collecting marine litter and raising awareness of the on-going impacts of waste, in particular plastics, in oceans and estuaries during the week of Clean-up Australia. SRAP member Dr Ana Rubio discussed with ALCE students from Maroubra (Sydney) practical solutions to help us all live […]

Partnership between SRAP and ALCE continues in 2021

Article written by Marta Ribó and Paula Llull. In mid-July, a team of 4 scientists including Drs Lorna Strachan, Marta Ribó, and BSc Hons student Alysha Jones from the University of Auckland, and Dr Sally Watson of the National Institute of Water and Atmosphere (NIWA) embarked upon a 3-day marine geology voyage to the eastern Marlborough Sounds, located […]

Evolution of Queen Charlotte Sound-Tōtaranui and Tory Channel-Kura Te Au

Happy World Oceans Day! Today, 6th June, we share this book that’s just been released, “Sandy beach morphodynamics“, as two of our SRAP-IEAP members, A/Prof Ana Vila-Concejo (University of Sydney) and Dr Marta Ribó (University of Auckland), who are experts on sandy beaches, waves and tidal sediments, have contributed in several chapters in […]

SRAP-IEAP members contribute to beaches science book