
Motivated by the closing talk of our 9th Australia-Spain Research Forum, the Prof. Héctor Socas-Navarro (Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands, University of La Laguna, and Director of the Museum of Science and the Cosmos of Tenerife), a renowned science communicator, has shared today, November 12, on his YouTube […]

Extended talk of the contribution by Prof Héctor Socas-Navarro in ...

Today, 25th October 2023, SRAP has attended the Science Diplomacy Club in Canberra. Organised by the Italian Embassy in Canberra, this event was focused in the importance for Australian astronomers, scientists, engineers, STEM educators and science communicator, as well as the public, to get the full membership of Australia in the […]

SRAP participates in “Science Diplomacy Club” as Italian Embassy in ...

On Saturday 24th June 2023 SRAP organised in collaboration with the Spanish Embassy in Canberra a visit to the two astronomical observatories in ACT (Australia Capital Territory): the NASA Deep Space Tracking Station in Tidbinbilla and Mt Stromlo Observatory. Almost 70 people, including many kids, enjoyed a full day of […]

SRAP visits ACT Astronomy Observatories

(Post only available in Spanish) La Red Andaluza de Astronomía (RAdA), en colaboración con la Agrupación Astronómica de Córdoba (AAC) y Spanish Researchers in Australia-Pacific (SRAP), organizó un evento virtual de observación astronómica para el viernes 12 de mayo a las 10:30am (hora de la España Peninsular) / 6:30pm (hora […]

Virtual astronomical observation under the Southern Sky

(Post and interview only available in Spanish) Nuestro presidente Dr Ángel López-Sánchez (Universidad de Macquarie) ha sido entrevistado hoy sobre el raro eclipse solar híbrido que cruzará la punta noroeste de Australia el jueves 20 de abril. En particular, Ángel ha centrado su intervención en aclarar los tipos de eclipses […]

Interview to Ángel López-Sánchez in SBS radio Spanish: a hybrid ...

(Post and interview only available in Spanish) Siguiendo con su colaboración habitual con radio SBS en español, nuestro presidente Dr Ángel López-Sánchez (Universidad de Macquarie) ha sido entrevistado hoy sobre el cometa C/2022 E3 (ZTF), relativamente brillante y de color verdoso, que está siendo visible en los cielos del hemisferio norte […]

Interview to Ángel López-Sánchez in SBS radio Spanish: a green ...

(Post and interview only available in Spanish) Nuestro socio, el estudiante de doctorado Pablo Corcho-Caballero (Universidad de Macquarie) ha sido entrevistado por el famoso divulgador científico Ignacio Crespo (@SdeStendhal) en el podcast Noosfera de La Razón. La entrevista, titulada “Historia de una galaxia”, se publica hoy en iVoox. Pablo es miembro de […]

Interview to Pablo Corcho-Caballero in podcast Noosfera

During this week (Monday 28th Nov – Friday 2nd Dec) a high-level delegation of the European Southern Observatory (ESO), including the General Director of ESO, Prof Xavier Barcons, has visited Australia. Several members of the Spanish Researchers in Australia-Pacific (SRAP) association, Nuria Lorente (Macquarie University), Dr Noelia Martínez Rey (Australian National […]

Active participation of SRAP members during an ESO high-level delegation ...

An international team of astronomers led by SRAP member Dr Cristina Martínez-Lombilla  (School of Physics at UNSW Science) has used a new technique to study the faint light between galaxies, known as “intra-group light,” shedding light on the stars within it. The researchers successfully detected and characterized the intra-group light, […]

Dr Cristina Martínez-Lombilla contributes to unveil the diffuse light between ...

One of my favourites stories in my blog is “Seasons: Astronomy vs. Australia” that I published exactly 8 years ago, on the 1st September 2014. In this post I described how seasons are defined using Astronomy using equinoxes and solstices. And that I was very surprised to see that in […]

Seasons in Australia, why don’t they follow the astronomical definition?

For Australia’s National Science Week 2022 SRAP joined forces with Instituto Cervantes Sydney organising 3 free science communication events. The last one of them is an hybrid (in-person +online) event that was held at Instituto Cervantes Sydney at 5:30pm, Thursday 18th Aug, with the title “Connecting Australian and Spanish research” Each panelist […]

Connecting Australian and Spanish Research: hybrid event for Australia’s National ...

For Australia’s National Science Week 2022 SRAP joins forces with Instituto Cervantes Sydney organising 3 free science communication events. The first one of them, “Online stargazing: discovering the Winter Southern Sky“, was held fully virtual on Tuesday 16th August, 6:30pm. We used a couple of telescopes to show live some of the […]

Online stargazing: discovering the Winter Southern Sky

(Post only available in Spanish) Por Dra Paula Llull y Dra Raquel Pardo de Santayana SRAP tiene una aliada de excepción en la tarea de difundir el trabajo de los investigadores y científicos españoles: ALCE Australia, Agrupación de Lengua y Cultura Españolas, es un programa del Ministerio de Educación y […]

Australia ALCE students interview SRAP members

Our president, Dr. Ángel López-Sánchez (Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie University), has been interviewed today  in Punto de Enlace, Radio Nacional de España (RNE),  the radio show in RNE in collaboration with RAICEX, la Red de Asociaciones de Investigadores y Científicos Españoles en el Exterior, about his research in astrophysics. The interview is […]

RNE Interview: The universe through Ángel López-Sánchez’s eyes

The local newspaper of Sydney’s Northern Beaches, Pittwater News, has awarded the title “Artist Of The Month October 2021“ to our member Dr. Ángel R. López-Sánchez (Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie University), for the astrophotography he is conducting from his backyard in Frenchs Forest at the Northern Beaches. You can enjoy […]

Ángel López-Sánchez awarded “Artist of the Month” in Pittwater News

(Post only available in Spanish) El sábado 11 de septiembre los socios de SRAP-IEAP Dra Eva Fernández Fernández (Química, UTS), Dr Ángel R. López-Sánchez (Astrofísica, Macquarie University) y Dra Sara Marrero Hernández (Biología, University of Melbourne) participaron en una nueva edición de las “Charlas vocacionales” para los alumnos de ALCE […]

Vocational talks in collaboration with ALCE

Today, Thursday 19th August, we have had the 3rd online #scicomm event that SRAP-IEAP is organising in collaboration with the Instituto Cervantes de Sídney for Australia’s National Science Week 2021. In this case it was a trip to the Universe! The host was our member, the astrophysicist and science communicator Dr. Ángel R. López-Sánchez […]

Online conference: Galaxies and stars

Australia’s National Science Week is starting soon. In collaboration with the Instituto Cervantes de Sídney we have prepared three online #scicomm events for August 17, 18 and 19. All these events are completely free but registration is required.   Tuesday 17th August, 6pm AEST   Plastics in the Oceans Host: Ana Rubio […]

Online #scicomm events for National Science Week

Our member, the astrophysicist and science communicator  Ángel López-Sánchez (Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie University), has been interviewed today in the radio show  Spanish Sunday 4EB by Álvaro Sánchez y Raquel Sánchez. In this interview in Spanish, that lasts for almost a full hour, Ángel describes his professional career, his current job, and answers […]

Entrevista a Ángel López-Sánchez en Spanish Sunday 4EB

(Post only available in Spanish) El jueves 26 de mayo de 2021 tuvo lugar un eclipse total de luna que podía verse al principio de la noche desde Australia pero no desde España. Gracias a la colaboración de SRAP-IEAP con la Red Andaluza de Astronomía (RAdA), la Agrupación Astronómica de Córdoba […]

Online event during the Total Lunar Eclipse

This Saturday, 17th April 2021, SRAP-IEAP organised a visit to Siding Spring Observatory (near Coonabarabran, NSW). 48 members, friends and family members enjoyed a great day under telescopes and stars. The visit was organised by our member, astrophysicist Ángel R. López-Sánchez (Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie University). The event included a tour […]

SRAP-IEAP visits Siding Spring Observatory

Our member, astrophysicist and science communicator Ángel López-Sánchez (Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie University), is involved in a citizen science project that aims to measure the light pollution in Australia this Sunday, 21st June, Winter Solstice. Ángel has written this post for his webpage, that we reproduce here.   Measure the light […]

Measuring the light pollution in Australia with Citizen Science

Our SRAP-IEAP member Ángel R. López-Sánchez (Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie University) has been interviewed in ABC Science about the “Supermoon” that we can enjoy tonight, 7th May 2020. The article, written by ABC science journalist Genelle Weule, includes some of the images of the Moon that Ángel has obtained with his […]

Ángel López-Sánchez’s Moon photos in ABC Science