

About Angel.Lopez-Sanchez

A/Prof Ángel R. López-Sánchez is an astrophysicist and science communicator working at the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Macquarie University (MQ). He is a recognised expert in the study of how the gas is converted into stars in galaxies and how this affects galaxy evolution. He graduated in Theoretical Physics at the University of Granada (2000) and completed his PhD Thesis in Astrophysics at the prestigious “Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias” (IAC, Spain) and the University of La Laguna (Spain) in 2006. He moved to Australia in 2007, joining CSIRO “Astronomy and Space Science” to perform radio-interferometric observations of gas-rich galaxies at the Australian Telescope Compact Array. In 2011 he joined the Australian Astronomical Observatory and Macquarie University combining instrumentation support, research, lecturing, and outreach. He was appointed as a full-time research academic at the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences at Macquarie University in May 2023. He is the president of the association of Spanish Researchers in Australia-Pacific (SRAP), the vice-president of the Astronomical Association of Córdoba (AAC, Spain), representative in the Andalusian Astronomy Network (RAdA), and member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), the Spanish Astronomy Society (SEA), and the Australian Astronomy Society (ASA). He is a globally-recognised science communicator, with visibility in Spanish and Australian printed, broadcast, and social media. He is also a passionate amateur astronomer that uses his own equipment for capturing the beauty of the Cosmos. His stunning astronomy time-lapse videos and photos have received +1/2 million views in YouTube and have been seen in TV channels in USA, Australia and Spain, science museums worldwide, and textbooks.

Motivated by the closing talk of our 9th Australia-Spain Research Forum, the Prof. Héctor Socas-Navarro (Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands, University of La Laguna, and Director of the Museum of Science and the Cosmos of Tenerife), a renowned science communicator, has shared today, November 12, on his YouTube […]

Extended talk of the contribution by Prof Héctor Socas-Navarro in ...

The 9th Australia-Spain Research Forum entitled “A Connected World“ was hosted at the Australian Hearing Hub, Macquarie University (Sydney, NSW) on Friday 3rd of November 2023. The full recording of the event is available in our YouTube channel:   Opening The 2023 SRAP Research Forum commenced at 10:00am with registration and […]

Summary of the 9th SRAP Research Forum – A Connected ...

Today, Dr Christian Criado-Pérez (UNSW) -SRAP Industry Liaison- and Dr Ángel López-Sánchez (Macquarie University) -SRAP President- have participated in the networking event with La Cámara (The Spanish-Australian Chamber of Commerce), today, Wednesday 9th August 2023, entitled “Harbour Bridge Networking“. This networking event, jointly organised by La Camara & Fever, was another […]

SRAP participates in La Cámara’s Harbour Bridge Networking event

The Final Report of the 2022 SRAP Research Forum “A digital world” has been released. You can get it in PDF format (file size: 6.2 Mb). A high-resolution PDF file is also available (file size: 19.4 Mb). This report complements the Booklet of the 2022 SRAP Research Forum (PDF format, file […]

Final report of the 2022 SRAP Research Forum

On Saturday 24th June 2023 SRAP organised in collaboration with the Spanish Embassy in Canberra a visit to the two astronomical observatories in ACT (Australia Capital Territory): the NASA Deep Space Tracking Station in Tidbinbilla and Mt Stromlo Observatory. Almost 70 people, including many kids, enjoyed a full day of […]

SRAP visits ACT Astronomy Observatories

(Post only available in Spanish) La Red Andaluza de Astronomía (RAdA), en colaboración con la Agrupación Astronómica de Córdoba (AAC) y Spanish Researchers in Australia-Pacific (SRAP), organizó un evento virtual de observación astronómica para el viernes 12 de mayo a las 10:30am (hora de la España Peninsular) / 6:30pm (hora […]

Virtual astronomical observation under the Southern Sky

Yesterday I was invited to represent SRAP and Macquarie University in an event for International Women Day 2023 at the General Consulate of Argentina in Sydney. It was in a joint event with Instituto Cervantes Sydney and the General Consulate of Spain in Sydney. They had a panel discussion with Sydney-based Argentinian […]

Event for International Women Day at Argentina Consulate

(Post only available in Spanish) Nuestro presidente, Dr. Ángel R. López-Sánchez (Macquarie University) se ha reunido hoy, 10 de febrero de 2023, con el Director General del Instituto Cervantes, el famoso literato Luis García Montero, que se viajado por primera vez a Australia con motivo de la firma de colaboración […]

Meeting with Luis García Montero, General Director of the Instituto ...

(Post and interview only available in Spanish) Nuestro socio, el estudiante de doctorado Pablo Corcho-Caballero (Universidad de Macquarie) ha sido entrevistado por el famoso divulgador científico Ignacio Crespo (@SdeStendhal) en el podcast Noosfera de La Razón. La entrevista, titulada “Historia de una galaxia”, se publica hoy en iVoox. Pablo es miembro de […]

Interview to Pablo Corcho-Caballero in podcast Noosfera

During this week (Monday 28th Nov – Friday 2nd Dec) a high-level delegation of the European Southern Observatory (ESO), including the General Director of ESO, Prof Xavier Barcons, has visited Australia. Several members of the Spanish Researchers in Australia-Pacific (SRAP) association, Nuria Lorente (Macquarie University), Dr Noelia Martínez Rey (Australian National […]

Active participation of SRAP members during an ESO high-level delegation ...

Dr Joaquín Valderrama has been decorated by the Spanish Ambassador in Australia, HE Ms Alicia Moral Revilla, with the Knight’s Cross of the Royal Order of Isabella the Catholic for his merits in presiding over the association Spanish Researchers in Australia-Pacific (SRAP) from 2019 to 2021 and for sustaining a productive international research […]

Joaquin Valderrama receives the Knight’s Cross of the Royal Order ...

The 8th Australia-Spain Research Forum entitled “A Digital World“ was hosted at the Australian Hearing Hub, Macquarie University (Sydney, NSW) on Friday 25th of November 2022. The full recording of the event is available in our YouTube channel:     OPENING The 2022 SRAP Research Forum commenced at 10:00am with registration […]

Summary of the 8th SRAP Research Forum

Our president, Dr Ángel López-Sánchez (Macquarie University), was invited to participate representing SRAP in the European Research Days 2022 – Australia & New Zealand organised by EURAXESS Australia and New Zealand on the week of 7 – 11 November 2022. The European Research Days 2022 – Australia & New Zealand is […]

SRAP participates in EURAXESS’ European Research Days 2022

During this week I have participated, as SRAP President, in several events and meetings in Canberra and Sydney following the official visit of the Spanish Minister of Industry, Trade, and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, to Australia. First of all, I’d like to thank the staff at the Spanish Embassy in Canberra, particularly the […]

SRAP participates in events and work meetings with the Minister ...

One of my favourites stories in my blog is “Seasons: Astronomy vs. Australia” that I published exactly 8 years ago, on the 1st September 2014. In this post I described how seasons are defined using Astronomy using equinoxes and solstices. And that I was very surprised to see that in […]

Seasons in Australia, why don’t they follow the astronomical definition?

(Post only available in Spanish) Nuestra socia, Assoc. Prof. Marian Vidal-Fernández (Universidad de Sídney), ha sido entrevistada hoy en radio SBS en español para dar su opinión sobre la falta de profesores en Australia. Puedes escuchar la entrevista completa en la web de SBS radio en español.    

Interview to SRAP member Marian Vidal-Fernández in radio SBS in ...

Our member, Prof. Javier Álvarez-Mon (Professor in Near Eastern Archaeology and Art, Macquarie University) has recently published an article in the Journal of the Iran National Museum entitled: Between Picasso and Piradi On tour with Saltimbanques and Musicians from ancient Iran (c. 600 Bc). This article offers a new line drawing and […]

The world’s first professional acrobats were flipping through the Middle ...

At the beginning of April 2022, the Australian Government released a statement detailing the strategic areas to invest in research with international collaborators, also promoting scientific diplomacy with those countries. In particular, four strategic research fields are identified. Every field has four strategic countries: Advanced Manufacturing Hydrogen Production Artificial Intelligence […]

The Australian Government identifies Spain as strategic country for research ...

The first conference between Australian and Spanish universities, “Building Bridges between the Australian and Spanish University systems”, that was held on Monday 30th May as an hybrid (in-person + online) event and jointly organised by SRAP, Instituto Cervantes Sydney, Macquarie University, and the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE) has been […]

Success of the 1st Conference between Australian and Spanish Universities

The Final Report of the 2021 SRAP Research Forum “A collaborative world” has been released. You can get it in PDF format (file size: 13.4 Mb). This report complements the Booklet of the 2021 SRAP Research Forum (PDF format, file size 5 Mb), the includes the abstracts of all the contributions […]

Final report of the 2021 SRAP Research Forum

(Post only available in Spanish) A finales de enero la comisión de RAICEX de Política Científica y Atracción de Talento, que actualmente es liderada por la investigadora Judit Jímenez (ECUSA) y en la que participan los socios de SRAP Prof. Luis Salvador-Carulla y Dr. Ángel López-Sánchez (presidente de SRAP), envió […]

RAICEX consigue el reconocimiento de investigadores en el extranjero en ...

(Post only available in Spanish) Nuestros presidentes honorarios, Prof. Luis Salvador-Carulla (Universidad de Canberra) y Assoc. Prof. Sergio León-Saval (Universidad de Sídney), junto con nuestro presidente actual, Dr. Ángel López-Sánchez (Macquarie University), miembros de la comisión de Política Científica y Atracción de Talento de RAICEX, han participado en la la […]

RAICEX comments to modifications to the Spanish “Ley de la ...

The 7th Australia-Spain Research Forum  “A Collaborative World“ hosted today, Friday 26th November 2021, at the Australian Hearing Hub, Macquarie University, has been a success. We have had a total of 49 people attending in person, plus around 50 people attended on-line. The Forum started at 10am with registration and […]

Success of the 2021 Australia-Spain Research Forum