
We are thrilled to announce Science@Heart, an engaging and enlightening event taking place on August 17th at the Western Plains Cultural Centre in Dubbo. This event is made possible thanks to the successful collaboration between SRAP (Spanish Researchers in Australia Pacific) and the University of Sydney, funded by a National […]

Science@Heart in Dubbo for Australia National Science Week

Our member, SRAP Queensland representative and social media manager, Dr Mariel Familiar López (Griffith University) was appointed as an Inspiring Australia Queensland (IAQ) Ambassador 2023/4. Her community engagement and outreach, and science communication work identified her as an exceptional and inspiring STEM leader by IAQ. The IAQ program intends to […]

Dr. Mariel Familiar named “Inspiring Australia Queensland Ambassador 2023/4”

On Sunday, June 18th, ALCE (Aula de Lengua y Cultura Españolas, Association of Spanish Language and Culture) organized a visit to the Sydney Botanic Gardens for young students and their families. The visit was guided by Dr Francisco (Paco) Sánchez-Bayo, a member of SRAP, an ecologist, and a knowledgeable expert […]

ALCE visits Sydney’s Botanic Gardens

(Post only available in Spanish) La Red Andaluza de Astronomía (RAdA), en colaboración con la Agrupación Astronómica de Córdoba (AAC) y Spanish Researchers in Australia-Pacific (SRAP), organizó un evento virtual de observación astronómica para el viernes 12 de mayo a las 10:30am (hora de la España Peninsular) / 6:30pm (hora […]

Virtual astronomical observation under the Southern Sky

(Post only available in Spanish) Nuestro presidente, Dr. Ángel R. López-Sánchez (Macquarie University) se ha reunido hoy, 10 de febrero de 2023, con el Director General del Instituto Cervantes, el famoso literato Luis García Montero, que se viajado por primera vez a Australia con motivo de la firma de colaboración […]

Meeting with Luis García Montero, General Director of the Instituto ...

(Post and talk only available in Spanish) Hoy, lunes 7 de noviembre de 2022, nuestro socio y presidente honorario, Prof Luis Salvador-Carulla (Universidad de Canberra), ha impartido una charla virtual para las familias de ALCE (Aula de Lengua y Cultura Española) en Australia sobre lo que es la salud mental y cómo […]

Talk on mental health for families of ALCE Australia

On September 9th took place the third encounter between SRAP researchers and advanced students from ALCE Australia. This online format, entitled “Vocational Workshop“, allows students and their parents to learn first-hand what the day-to-day life of a scientist is like, their difficulties and their best moments, their training, and their […]

Vocational Workshop between ALCE students and SRAP members

The first conference between Australian and Spanish universities, “Building Bridges between the Australian and Spanish University systems”, that was held on Monday 30th May as an hybrid (in-person + online) event and jointly organised by SRAP, Instituto Cervantes Sydney, Macquarie University, and the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE) has been […]

Success of the 1st Conference between Australian and Spanish Universities