Monthly Archives: April 2023

Today we have had the 1st SRAP Research Bites in Perth. It has been organised by our member and coordinator of the WA SRAP Node Dr Sara Marrero Hernández (University of Western Australia). In total, 7 researchers presented their work in 5 minutes each. The participants to the 1st SRAP […]

1st Research Bites in Perth

(Post and interview only available in Spanish) Nuestro presidente Dr Ángel López-Sánchez (Universidad de Macquarie) ha sido entrevistado hoy sobre el raro eclipse solar híbrido que cruzará la punta noroeste de Australia el jueves 20 de abril. En particular, Ángel ha centrado su intervención en aclarar los tipos de eclipses […]

Interview to Ángel López-Sánchez in SBS radio Spanish: a hybrid ...

Today, 6th April 2023, our SRAP President, Dr Ángel López-Sánchez, has had a virtual meeting with the president of RICE (Red de Investigadores China-España), Dr Daniel del Barrio Álvarez, and the president and vice-president of ACE Japón (Association of Spanish Researchers in Japan), Dr David Pérez de Lara and Prof. Olga Amengual, […]

Virtual meeting of SRAP, RICE, and ACE Japón