Monthly Archives: December 2022

Our member Dr Sara Marrero Hernández has been interviewed in the newspaper “El Día”, Tenerife (Spain). The full-page article with the interview appears today and also describes that Sara was the winner of the 1st SRAP-frA Early-Career Researcher Award. The full-page article, in Spanish, is available below.

Interview to Sara Marrero in newspaper “El Día”

The 7th Meeting on Scientific, Technological, and Innovation Diplomacy in Spain, organized by the Network of Associations of Spanish Scientists and Researchers Abroad (RAICEX), took place on December 20th and 21st, 2022, at the headquarters of the Ramón Areces Foundation in Madrid. Our partner, honorary president of SRAP and Ambassador […]

7th Meeting of Spanish Scientific, Technological, and Innovation Diplomacy and ...

Our Board Member Inma Conde was awarded the Kercher Scholarship by the Australian and New Zealand Law and History Society -ANZLHS -. These scholarships are open to any postgraduate student currently enrolled in an Australian or New Zealand university wishing to attend the annual Australia and New Zealand Law and History […]

Inma Conde is awarded the Kercher Scholarship

During this week (Monday 28th Nov – Friday 2nd Dec) a high-level delegation of the European Southern Observatory (ESO), including the General Director of ESO, Prof Xavier Barcons, has visited Australia. Several members of the Spanish Researchers in Australia-Pacific (SRAP) association, Nuria Lorente (Macquarie University), Dr Noelia Martínez Rey (Australian National […]

Active participation of SRAP members during an ESO high-level delegation ...