SRAP participates in “Science Diplomacy Club” as Italian Embassy in Canberra

Today, 25th October 2023, SRAP has attended the Science Diplomacy Club in Canberra. Organised by the Italian Embassy in Canberra, this event was focused in the importance for Australian astronomers, scientists, engineers, STEM educators and science communicator, as well as the public, to get the full membership of Australia in the European Southern Observatory (ESO), one of the largest scientific institutions in the world.

SRAP participants in Science Diplomacy Club at the Italian Embassy in Canberra, on 25th October 2023. From left to right: Dr. Paula Llull (Spanish Embassy), Prof. Luis Salvador-Carulla (University of Canberra) and our president, Dr. Ángel López-Sánchez (Macquarie University), Prof. Orsola De Marco (Macquarie University), Dr. Marco Lazzarino (Science Attache’ Officer of the Italian Embassy in Australia), Montserrat Moman (Deputy Head of the Spanish Embassy), and Paolo Crudele (Italian Ambassador in Australia).

Prof. Orsola De Marco (Macquarie University) gave a fantastic summary talk about all of this, and why Australia should join ESO. Precisely, she will speak again in our 9th Australia-Spain Research Forum.

Prof. Orsola De Marco (Macquarie University) gave a fantastic summary talk about why Australia should join ESO.

Representing SRAP, our members Dr. Paula Llull (Spanish Embassy), Prof. Luis Salvador-Carulla (University of Canberra) and our president, Dr. Ángel López-Sánchez (Macquarie University) attended this science diplomacy event.

The work that Ángel López-Sánchez is doing in connecting astrophysics research with both direct applications in other fields (including data science and exporting to industries) and science communication were mentioned by Prof. Orsola De Marco during her talk.

Italian Ambassador in Australia, Paolo Crudele, welcome attendees and introduce Prof. Orsola De Marco.

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