Science Communication

Continuing SRAP’s regular collaboration with SBS Spanish Radio, our president A/Prof. Ángel López-Sánchez (Macquarie University) has been interviewed to discuss what the sky has in store for us in 2025, including planetary alignments, lunar eclipses, and seeing Saturn without its rings. The interview was conducted by Carmenza Jiménez. You can […]

Aligned planets, ringless Saturn, eclipses and meteor showers: our firmament ...

The astronomical images and videos that our president, A/Prof Ángel R. López-Sánchez (Macquarie University) has produced during the last decade under the dark skies of Siding Spring Observatory has been used for a special ABC News segment in the main Australian National News, today, Wednesday 2nd October 2024. The ABC […]

Ángel López-Sánchez astronomy photos and videos in ABC News

Exciting Stargazing Online Event for Science Week in Australia! Join us for a celestial adventure under the stars! The Instituto Cervantes Sydney and the Association of Spanish Researchers in the Australia-Pacific (SRAP) are thrilled to invite you to an unforgettable live stargazing event with A/Prof. Ángel R. López-Sánchez from Macquarie […]

Stargazing Line Online with SRAP and Instituto Cervantes Sydney during ...

UPDATE: Read about how the event was! We are thrilled to announce Science@Heart, an engaging and enlightening event taking place on August 17th at the Western Plains Cultural Centre in Dubbo. This event is made possible thanks to the successful collaboration between SRAP (Spanish Researchers in Australia Pacific) and the […]

Science@Heart in Dubbo for Australia National Science Week

SRAP Research Bites Victoria – 5th June 2024 On Wednesday June 5th, SRAP organised a Research Bites event at The Spanish Club – Hogar Español Melbourne (57 Johnston St, Fitzroy, Vic, 3065) in collaboration with the Instituto Cervantes Australia. Entitled “Talks about researching in Australia in Spanish”, Research Bites invited […]

Melbourne Research Bites 2024

Our president, Dr Ángel López-Sánchez (Macquarie University), has been interviewed for an article in Diario Córdoba titled “Cuatro cordobeses ejemplo de talento exportado al mundo”, which was published today, Sunday, 26th November, 2023. According to the article in Diario Córdoba “Cuatro cordobeses ejemplo de talento exportado al mundo,” Ángel López-Sánchez […]

Ángel López-Sánchez interviewed in Diario Córdoba as “example of talent ...

Motivated by the closing talk of our 9th Australia-Spain Research Forum, the Prof. Héctor Socas-Navarro (Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands, University of La Laguna, and Director of the Museum of Science and the Cosmos of Tenerife), a renowned science communicator, has shared today, November 12, on his YouTube […]

Extended talk of the contribution by Prof Héctor Socas-Navarro in ...

The 9th Australia-Spain Research Forum entitled “A Connected World“ was hosted at the Australian Hearing Hub, Macquarie University (Sydney, NSW) on Friday 3rd of November 2023. The full recording of the event is available in our YouTube channel:   Opening The 2023 SRAP Research Forum commenced at 10:00am with registration and […]

Summary of the 9th SRAP Research Forum – A Connected ...

Did you know that after the amphibians, chondrichthyans (sharks, rays, and chimaeras) are the most threatened vertebrate Class? In fact, recent assessments state that 1 in 3 shark species are threatened with extinction (IUNC Red List). Although many shark populations are threatened and declining, sharks are mostly perceived as predators […]

Dr Mariel Familiar showcased in National Geographic Shark Fest

SRAP has collaborated in the interactive event “The enigmatic world of Sharks, Whales and Jellyfish“, that was held at Currumbin RSL, Gold Coast (Queensland) on Sunday 20th August 2023. In fact, our SRAP member and coordinator of the SRAP Queensland node and social media, Dr Mariel Familiar López (Griffith University) […]

SRAP collaborates in “The enigmatic world of Sharks, Whales and ...

On Thursday 17th August 2023, SRAP organised another Pintxos of Science event as part of the 2023 Australia National Science Week at the Gure Txoko Basque Club Sydney (344 Liverpool Street, Darlinghurst, NSW 2010). With the title of Brains & Bites, 2023 Pintxos of Science invited the audience to discover the […]

2023 Pintxos of Science – Brains & Bites

On the occasion of National Science Week in Australia, SRAP collaborates again with the Instituto Cervantes of Sydney to offer a conference on Tuesday 15th August 2023, at 5:30pm. It was held at the Instituto Cervantes Sydney in a hybrid (in-person +online)  format. The full recording of the event is available […]

Hybrid Conference for Australia’s National Science Week 2023

The association Spanish Researchers in Australia-Pacific (SRAP)  organises annually the “Australia-Spain Research Forum”, a multidisciplinary conference aimed at the wider community, to highlight Australia-Spain research and present broad research and cultural topics which are of special interest to the Australian and Spanish societies. SRAP promotes and supports networking between Australia-Pacific […]

Announcement of the 9th Australia-Spain Research Forum

An international team of researchers from Australia and Spain, led by SRAP-member Associate Professor Teresa Ubide from The University of Queensland, have applied laser-powered technology to interrogate volcanic rocks from the 2021 eruption of La Palma, which affected more than 7000 people and generated losses of more than €860 million (AU$1.4 billion). The […]

Laser technology to monitor volcanic eruptions

On Saturday 24th June 2023 SRAP organised in collaboration with the Spanish Embassy in Canberra a visit to the two astronomical observatories in ACT (Australia Capital Territory): the NASA Deep Space Tracking Station in Tidbinbilla and Mt Stromlo Observatory. Almost 70 people, including many kids, enjoyed a full day of […]

SRAP visits ACT Astronomy Observatories

On Sunday, June 18th, ALCE (Aula de Lengua y Cultura Españolas, Association of Spanish Language and Culture) organized a visit to the Sydney Botanic Gardens for young students and their families. The visit was guided by Dr Francisco (Paco) Sánchez-Bayo, a member of SRAP, an ecologist, and a knowledgeable expert […]

ALCE visits Sydney’s Botanic Gardens

Today, on June 13, 2023, in the Spanish scientific radio program “Investigadores por el Mundo (Researchers around the World)”, episode 207, hosted and directed by Antonio G. Armas, our member Carmela Isabel Núñez Lendo has been interviewed. The interview is entitled “Coral Reef Restoration, Digital Citizenship in a Transforming World” […]

“Researchers around the World” interviews SRAP member Carmela Isabel Núñez ...

Our member and president, Dr Ángel López-Sánchez (School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Macquarie University) has been interviewed today in ABC radio about his research and his real passion: astrophotography, as well as the increasing problem of light pollution.   Listen the interview (7 minutes) in the ABC webpage, “Could light pollution […]

Interview to Ángel López-Sánchez in ABC radio

(Post only available in Spanish) La Red Andaluza de Astronomía (RAdA), en colaboración con la Agrupación Astronómica de Córdoba (AAC) y Spanish Researchers in Australia-Pacific (SRAP), organizó un evento virtual de observación astronómica para el viernes 12 de mayo a las 10:30am (hora de la España Peninsular) / 6:30pm (hora […]

Virtual astronomical observation under the Southern Sky

(Post and interview only available in Spanish) Nuestro presidente Dr Ángel López-Sánchez (Universidad de Macquarie) ha sido entrevistado hoy sobre el raro eclipse solar híbrido que cruzará la punta noroeste de Australia el jueves 20 de abril. En particular, Ángel ha centrado su intervención en aclarar los tipos de eclipses […]

Interview to Ángel López-Sánchez in SBS radio Spanish: a hybrid ...

(Post and interview only available in Spanish). Nuestra socia Dra. Elba Ramírez (Auckland University of Technology, Nueva Zelanda) ha sido entrevistada hoy en el programa de radio científico “Investigadores por el Mundo“, número 194, presentado y dirigido por Antonio G. Armas. La entrevista tiene el título “La interculturalidad: una herramienta para […]

Interview to Dr Elba Ramírez in “Investigadores por el Mundo”

Dr Marina Trigueros, an SRAP member, and former Board member, was a featured speaker at the recent Australian Science Communicators Conference (ASC2023) held at the Australian Academy of Science in Canberra. Marina represented Phenomics Australia as the Communications and Outreach Coordinator, and the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) program. She was part of the NCRIS Communications Network […]

Dr Marina Trigueros at the Australian Science Communicators Conference (ASC2023)

(Post and interview only available in Spanish) Siguiendo con su colaboración habitual con radio SBS en español, nuestro presidente Dr Ángel López-Sánchez (Universidad de Macquarie) ha sido entrevistado hoy sobre el cometa C/2022 E3 (ZTF), relativamente brillante y de color verdoso, que está siendo visible en los cielos del hemisferio norte […]

Interview to Ángel López-Sánchez in SBS radio Spanish: a green ...

(Post and interview only available in Spanish) Nuestro socio, el estudiante de doctorado Pablo Corcho-Caballero (Universidad de Macquarie) ha sido entrevistado por el famoso divulgador científico Ignacio Crespo (@SdeStendhal) en el podcast Noosfera de La Razón. La entrevista, titulada “Historia de una galaxia”, se publica hoy en iVoox. Pablo es miembro de […]

Interview to Pablo Corcho-Caballero in podcast Noosfera