Daily Archives: Wednesday June 21st, 2023

(Post only available in Spanish) Hoy RAICEX ha publicado las propuestas que la Comisión de Política Científica y Atracción de Talento de RAICEX ha elaborado al Real Decreto (RD) por el que se regula la acreditación estatal para el acceso a los cuerpos docentes universitarios y el régimen de los concursos de […]

Proposals from RAICEX for the Royal Decree on access to ...

Our partner and coordinator of the SRAP Delegation of the South Pacific Islands, Ricardo Domínguez Llosa (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations), has coordinated the creation of a video on irrigation in Vanuatu as part of the Integrated Sustainable Land and Coastal Management Project. In Ricardo’s own words: […]

Traditional Agricultural Irrigation Systems in Vanuatu