RAICEX’s White Paper on Gender Policies in Science and Academia

The Research and Gender Commission (IgR) of RAICEX has presented in Madrid the White Paper on Gender Policies in Science and Academia, which analyzes and compares gender equality policies in 14 countries, including nine European nations, two from the Americas, two from Asia, and one from Oceania (Australia).

The report highlights progress in female participation in science but also emphasizes persistent barriers such as the “glass ceiling” and biases in selection and promotion processes. The document proposes key measures, including effective equality laws, policy monitoring, fairness in selection processes, mentorship, and support for work-life balance. During the presentation, experts discussed these challenges and the role of civil society in driving real changes in the scientific field.

We invite all researchers to download and read the White Paper (PDF format and in Spanish) from the RAICEX website.

SRAP would like to express its gratitude and congratulations to everyone at RAICEX and the associations involved in making the White Paper a reality, especially our SRAP colleague Dr. Sofía Samper (ANU), who has played a highly significant active role in its development.