SRAP participates in Pint of Science in Canberra

Two of our members, Dr. Sofía Samper Carro (ANU) and Dr José Barrero (CSIRO) participated in the Pint of Science festival in Canberra. Both of them briefly talk about their experiences in this article.

Experience by Dr Sofía Samper Carro (ANU)

This year I had the pleasure to participate in the Pint of Science event in Canberra. The event was hosted at the King O’Malleys pub, a classic venue in Canberra and one of my personal favorites!

In my talk, I covered some of the archaeological research I’ve done over the last 10 years, looking at relating Neanderthal and modern humans’ behaviour, from sites in Spain, Indonesia and Timor-Leste, with climatic changes in the past.

We had around 25-30 people attending the event and they asked me great questions. We had a lovely discussion about what do we know and what we don’t know yet from archaeological data. The team organising this Pint of Science event were really friendly and engaging and I reckon we all had a great time.

Looking forward to next years’ Pint of Science!


Experience by Dr Dr José Barrero (CSIRO)

This year I have been part of the Pint of Science festival here in Canberra.

The event was hosted by Gryphons Bar in Griffith. Everything was very nicely organised by the Pint of Science team (even my dinner was covered!).

I presented the work we are doing at CSIRO to develop insect-resistant cowpea for Food Security in Africa.

The attendants, about 30 people, were very engaged and they had lots of awesome questions and discussions.

If like me you always wanted to present your science while having a beer in your hand, you have to try this next year. Great fun!