Announcement of the SRAP-frA Early-Career Researcher Award 2024

Spanish Researchers in Australia-Pacific (SRAP) is an independent and non-for-profit community association of volunteers in Australia, New Zealand, and Pacific that aims to disseminate excellent-quality research and facilitate collaboration opportunities to contribute to the cultural enrichment and knowledge advance of our society.

SRAP is committed in boosting the career perspectives of Early-Career Spanish researchers in the Australia-Pacific region. To achieve this goal, the SRAP-frA Early-Career Researcher Award 2024 aims to recognise extraordinary research trajectories of Early-Career SRAP members.

This Award is organised by SRAP, and it is sponsored by the Ramón Areces Foundation (frA). The frA was created in 1976 with the broad objective of fostering scientific and technical research in Spain and education and culture in general. The Foundation was a pioneering institution in our country, and ever since its creation it has constantly and firmly supported scientific research as the driving force behind progress and modernity.

The Award comes with a diploma certificate and a monetary prize of $1000 for the awardee. It is expected that the awardee attends in person to the ceremony of the Award at the 10th Australia-Spain Research ForumArt & PEOPLE & Science” at the Australian Museum (Sydney, Australia) on the 18th of October 2024 (assistance to cover travel costs will be offered to awardees), and that they will give a short talk about their research to the public.

Eligibility: Interested applicants must

       [1] be a SRAP member (applicants who are not SRAP members can register via this link before they submit their application); and

       [2] have completed their PhD < 5 years before the closure date of the submission period or have < 5 years of research experience. Note that this Award will consider career disruptions and other relative-to-opportunity considerations.

The selection of the awardees will be done according to the procedure outlined below.

  • Monday 5th of August 2024: SRAP will announce a call-for-applications of the 3rd edition of this Award via direct emails sent to SRAP members, posts in social media, the SRAP newsletter and other means.
  • The call-for-applications will be open for 8 weeks, with the submission closing date on Sunday the 22nd of September 2024. During this time, interested applicants can submit their application via the email address:
  • Only merits in which the applicant is the lead author or have played a key role will be considered. This will ensure a fair competition of merits and achievements in which applicants have made a significant contribution.
  • Applications are comprised of 2 parts.
    • Part 1 – Research trajectory. Provide a description of (max of 1 A4 page each, 2 A4 pages in total):
      1. the applicant’s research trajectory in plain language and how this award will help in their career,
      2. the research impact in the applicant’s field.
      3. CV of the applicant to be attached separately. The CV should include all the applicant merits, including peer-review publications, conferences, book chapters, patents, awarded grants as principal investigator, artwork, received awards, and other merits.
    • Part 2 SRAP engagement. Provide proof of:
        1. the activities that the applicant has already performed in collaboration with SRAP.
        2. plan for future activities that the applicant proposes to carry out with SRAP.
  • All candidates will be notified of the Award outcomes by October 3rd. Awardees will be notified via email, and results will also be publicly announced on the following day via emails and communications in social media.

For any question, contact the Award Secretary Dr Marcos Roca-Cusachs at The Organising Committee is also formed by Dr Marta Ribó, Dr Ana Rubio-Zuazo, A/Prof Marian Vidal-Fernández & Dr Joaquín Valderrama.

MORE INFO: Announcement of the SRAP-frA Early-Career Researcher Award 2024 in a PDF file (285 kb).