About SRAP

The association of Spanish Researchers in Australia-Pacific (SRAP) is an independent and non-for-profit organisation without any political affiliation, created by and for researchers and science workers in ALL branches of Science, Culture and Art.

SRAP understands research in a very broad sense, including not only Formal Sciences (Mathematics, Logic, Computing), Natural Sciences (Astronomy, Geology, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Medicine,…) and Social Sciences (Anthropology, Economy, Geography, History, Sociology,…), but technological, business, and artistic research, which is why it was not defined as “Spanish Scientists in Australia-Pacific” but rather as “Researchers“.

Although the first conversations started in early 2013, SRAP commenced operation in 2014 and was officially incorporated in April 2015.

In 2024 we have +250 Spanish researchers working in Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific Islands (Vanuatu, Fiji). SRAP is Founder Member of RAICEX, the network of 21 associations of Spanish researchers working abroad.

SRAP strengthens research links between Australia-Pacific and Spain, increases networking and collaboration opportunities between Australia-Pacific and Spanish researchers, as well as disseminates high-quality Spanish research. These actions aim to boost the career prospects of Spanish researchers who work and study in Australia-Pacific, and create links between Spaniards and Australia-Pacific, thus contributing to the cultural enrichment of the society in which we live.


Our MISSION is fostering collaboration and culture through research and development


In June 2023, SRAP identified these 4 basic objectives:

  1. Promoting and mentoring our members
  2. Scientific and cultural dissemination
  3. Connecting academy with industry and society
  4. Promoting international relationships and science diplomacy


A 14 pages PDF file with the summary of our most important activities is available here.


The association was created with the assistance and support of the Spanish Embassy in Australia, the Cervantes Institute in Australia and the Fundación Consejo España-Australia. Our events are sponsored not only by them but by Fundación Ramón Areces, and industries such as Navantia Australia and Indra Australia, to whom we are extremely grateful for their continuous support.



The Association has direct links with:

The Association collaborates closely with:

  • Governmental agencies in Spain
  • Other Spanish Researchers abroad associations (Federation)
  • Other associations of European Researchers in Australia-Pacific
  • European Commission, Council and Parliament
  • Spanish companies in Australia and Australian companies in Spain