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Marta Ribó

Dr. Marta Ribó


Position: Lecturer of Geosciences

Department: School Sciences

University/Institute/Company: Auckland University of Technology


Marta Ribó is a marine geologist Lecturer of Geosciences at the Auckland University of Technology (AUT). Her research is centred in understanding the seafloor geomorphology in shallow and deep waters and assessing the impact on the seabed of human activities, including plastic pollution and anchor drag marks.

Her research career started with the research of the bedforms geomorphology and the hydrodynamics involved in their formation and development in the Mediterranean Sea. After finishing her PhD in the Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC) in Barcelona (Spain), she conducted her first postdoc in Sydney (Australia), focusing on de study of sand deposits in the SE Australian continental margin. In February 2019 she moved to New Zealand, and did her second postdoc at the University of Auckland, involving a 2-yr research project on seabed geomorphology, sediment dynamics and anthropogenic impact. She is currently appointed as Lecturer in Geosciences at the Auckland University of Technology.

Her work involves using a wide range of methodologies spanning from seafloor mapping, seabed sampling and hydrodynamic monitoring; all conducted during scientific surveys on board of research vessels.

Disciplines: Geoscience

  • Geoscience: Geology, Geomorphology, Oceanography

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