Dr. Ana Rubio Zuazo
Position: Environmental Scientist / Oyster researcher
Department: Natural Resources / Faculty of Veterinary Science
University/Institute/Company: Hornsby Shire Council / University of Sydney
I am a marine ecologist and environmental scientist. I work in both worlds: academia and industry.
My research in regards to aquaculture revolves around oyster farming (edible and pearl oysters). My work combines environment, disease, health of catchments – waterways and aquaculture industry practices. I have a long history of working with the Australian oyster industry, assisting them with the identification of catchment risks and improvement of their husbandry practices as part of the implementation of estuary-wide Environmental Management Studies. I have set up oyster monitoring programs, as well as developing catchment-wide web data portals for better management of oyster areas and, I also undertaken research on environmental controls of oyster farms and new technology to improve industry sustainability. I am currently working with researchers from the University of Sydney, Faculty of veterinary, on the Pacific Oyster mortality Syndrome.
I currently work as an environmental scientist at Hornsby Shire Council in projects related to the implementation of the Lower hawkesbury Estuary Management Plan (which includes water quality monitoring, predicting swimming conditions, foreshore and riparian vegetation assessments, marine debris clean-ups, management of harmful algal blooms, compliance, etc). As part of this job I undertake research in partnership with researchers from the C3 UTS team on the ecology and management of harmful algae blooms and assessments of the bacteria and virus populations present at recreational estuarine sites.
The following websites relate to my work:
Disciplines: Agricultural Science, Biology
- Agricultural Science: Aquaculture, Environmental Science, Waste Management, Water Science
- Biology: Marine Biology, Zoology