Academic promotions for SRAP members

We are extremely pleased to announce that some SRAP members have been successfully promoted in academia:

  • Ana Vila-Concejo, Geomorphology promoted to Level E- Professor of Coastal Geomorphology, School of Geosciences, Universidad de Sydney. She is only the second woman professor ever at this School, and the first one in a 40:40:20.
  • Teresa Ubide, Igneous Petrology/Volcanology, promoted to Associated Professor (Level-D) at the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Queensland.
  • Sofía Samper Carro, Archaeology and Natural History, promoted to Senior Lecturer (Level-C) at the School of Culture, History and Language; College of Asia and the Pacific; Australian National University

All these promotions will be effective from January 2023.

In addition:

  • Noelia Martínez Rey, astronomical / space instrumentation. Since Oct 2022, Dr Noelia Martinez is a tenure-track research fellow at the Advanced Instrumentation and Technology Centre, part of the Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics (RSAA) at the Australian National University. In Dec 2022 Noelia has been also awarded an ANU Futures Scheme fellowship and a research grant by the US Air Force of Scientific Research to expand her research portfolio in R&D for Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics.

Huge congrats to all of you!

Top left: Prof. Ana Vila-Consejo. Top Right: Assoc. Prof. Teresa Ubide. Bottom left: Dr Noelia Martínez. Bottom right: Dr. Sofía Samper Carro.


Prof. Ana Vila-Concejo, Geomorphology. Professor of Coastal Geomorphology, School of Geosciences, Universidad de Sydney.

Assoc. Prof. Teresa Ubide, Igneous Petrology/Volcanology, Associated Professor at the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Queensland.

Dr. Sofía Samper Carro, Archaeology and Natural History, Senior Lecturer at the School of Culture, History and Language; College of Asia and the Pacific; Australian National University.

Dr Noelia Martínez is a tenure-track research fellow at the Advanced Instrumentation and Technology Centre, part of the Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics (RSAA) at the Australian National University.